Are you ready for 2020? Many people begin to create goals while others assume goals are a waste of time. Henry Ford was once quoted, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” I believe in order to move forward one must have a clear vision... read more →
I spent the first 45 years of my adult life working, climbing up the ladder of success and grinding away the days of my life to bring home a paycheck. I decided that I will spend the next 40 years plorking. I think you will want to join me on... read more →
Do you spend a lot of time thinking about your future wishing you won the lottery so that you can experience happiness, travel, and more fun in your life? Well you are not alone. Most of the people I work with during my coaching sessions and channeled reading are dreaming... read more →
Listen to "Perfectly Imperfect with Vyoma Nupur - Episode #69: Guest Wendy Perrell" on Spreaker. “If so, then this next episode of The Perfectly Imperfect Podcast is just for you, as your host Vyoma Nupur interviews Wendy Perrell. An empath and upcoming author well-versed into helping you (the seeker) to... read more →
What seeds are you planting this spring? The stores are full of a variety of seeds that we can plant in our gardens. Within a few weeks these seeds will be plants filled with beautiful blooms. Many will reap an abundant crop of flowers, fruits and vegetables. We all have... read more →
Full Moon Chaos The February full moon energy was felt by most people in one way or another. I had my usual full moon chakra detox and balance ceremony. As the full moon blasted its energy through Charleston, many, people around me began expressing how past toxic relationships and conditions... read more →
I spent most of my life dealing with a bullying relationship. The bully was arrogant, loud, over bearing and negative. I kept the bullying relationship a secret. I was afraid of what people would think of me because I gave an outward appearance of confidence and strength. Unfortunately, the bullying... read more →
Balance is something many people spend their lives striving for, and if they find it, have difficulty maintaining it. As we prepare for the holidays, we can choose balance over striving trying to reach unreachable standards while trying to please family and friends. Choosing balance instead of overextending our precious... read more →
NA: When did you become a shaman? How does one go from the military to the corporate world to obtaining a Ph.D. to being a shaman? Perrell: Asking when I became a shaman is kind of like asking when I became a girl. The military provided an avenue to step... read more →
Shamans empower and heal people in many ways. One of my goals for 2015 as a Shaman was to create a tribe of women, show them how to heal using their personal power and then empower each other to be bold, confident, and wise. I met Becky in early 2015 she has... read more →