Building partnerships around a common interest such as empowering women to step into their personal power is rewarding. My purpose and mission in life is to empower people align their life path with their soul’s purpose. I have found when like-minded souls join together to support a common mission,... read more →
I have almost 20 pairs of shoes! Like most, I select my shoes based upon the outfit I will be wearing for the day. Of course, my outfit often depends on my mood and the path I am on for the day. As I was getting ready this morning,... read more →
Today I celebrate my 50th birthday. The years flew by as I joined and retired from the military, graduated from college 3 times, watched 3 children grow and started enjoying 3 grandchildren. I have experienced failure, embarrassment, pain, anger, joy, loss, vulnerability, abuse, fear, love, and success. I love... read more →
People often come to me to me because they feel “stuck”. I frequently ask the person, “How do you know you are stuck?” Through many conversations, I often find one or more of the following are the causes of people feeling “stuck”. Fear are feels that something bad will happen... read more →
The devil spelled backwards is "lived". The devil is a symbol that is used often in many religions and during fall festivities such as Halloween and The Day of the Dead. The devil represents dark, negative energies and is often feared. Clichés such as the "devil made me do it"... read more →
I love coaching people to achieve goals and I am a passionate soul advocate who mentors people on their spiritual journey. My mission is to help people align their life path with the divinity of their soul’s purpose. I feel blessed to help people break free from their burdens and... read more →
Forgiveness Empowers Leaders Are you letting someone or something control your freedom to be happy; sleep well or walk in your authentic personal power? Do you feel anger or resentment toward team members, friends, family, strangers, and business organizations, political or religious leaders? I have found when a situation or... read more →
Harvesting Root Solutions What do you get when you combine root cause analysis (RCA) and conscious awareness when focusing on the patient experience? Answer: A big root solution apparent to all. Recently, I facilitated RCA training where everyone just wanted to learn how to use process improvement tools to get... read more →
Holistic leadership practice mindfulness in mind and body attempting to maintain balance both personally and professionally. Holistic leaders believe they are defined by who they are, not what they do. Holistic leaders often focus on unity with other, developing and becoming self, expression full potential and serving others. While the... read more →
My Awakened Soul Is The Heart Of What I Do It stems from experiences with emotional and physical abuse, sexual harassment, a unhealthy relationship and my relationship with my awakened soul. I learned about the soul in 1998 when I happened to catch an episode of Oprah interviewing Gary Zukav,... read more →