What seeds are you planting this spring? The stores are full of a variety of seeds that we can plant in our gardens. Within a few weeks these seeds will be plants filled with beautiful blooms. Many will reap an abundant crop of flowers, fruits and vegetables. We all have the power to plant seeds and create a beautiful garden with plenty of water, fertilizer, and sunshine. I have found sometimes I forget about what I planted and some of the plants become unhealthy and die. I have found this happens when I have dreams and I plant my seeds of desire. Sometimes I get off track and forget my wildest dreams because I feel powerless to bring them to life.
Did you know your personal power determines your destiny and quality of life? To be empowered is to take ownership of your actions, thoughts and desires. I am talking about the desires within your heart space that come about when you have a dream of being, doing, and creating something that feels good. Too often people get stuck when they start to think about their dreams and desires because they worry about being judged and criticized by others. Many people get stuck because they compare themselves to others and have a belief system that they are not good enough to do what they desire. To bring a dream into form it is necessary to listen to your heart, focus your energy, and choose to empower yourself through thoughts, words, and actions.
To begin, take a few minutes each day to listen to your heart and notice what you truly desire. Then take the time to dream as you design your life living and fulfilling that which your heart desires. When you can see yourself living out your dreams and desires, then simply declare that in mind, body and spirit that you shall succeed. Everyday you may need to demand that your ego steps a side so that you can remain focused on the goals necessary to achieve your dreams. As you go about this process you may have to give yourself permission for a course correction because sometimes you may be presented with an opportunity to that brings your dream to life in a way you could never imagine. Edwene Gaines, author of The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity states, “Once you say your commitment aloud, with faith and conviction, you immediately draw to you those people, ideas, coincidences and synchronicity of events that say to you, “Oh, yes! I’m here to help you with that commitment.”
When people can focus their energy, they create awesome products, programs and opportunities to shine. Think of Steve Jobs and the Apple iPhone and iPad. Reporters who investigated Job’s success found that he spent significant time in meditation and focused intention. To remain focused in a social media driven world it is necessary to ask yourself each day, “What is one small step I can take today to bring my dream or desire into a manifested form?” The key is to slow down, go into a meditative state, which really means to pause the thinking process and open to the receiving process. In silence I have found my greatest inspiration, gained clarity and felt empowered that I was moving on the right path. You will have to take control of your schedule to make meditation a priority, even if it is only ten minutes a day. Ernest Holmes reminds us that this is true in his book, The Ernest Holmes New Thought Dictionary that, “In working with mental law, definite intention is necessary in the receptive attitude of the student as well as in his active processes.”
To fulfill your dreams, you will need to keep your thoughts, words and actions positive, as you learn to empower yourself. You see, personal power comes from within, not from others around you. You will need to reprogram and focus your thoughts with phrases such as “I will, I believe, I can, I know, I trust, and I will” for these words will attract that what you truly desire. Should you choose to tell yourself, “this is hard, I am trying, and I can’t” you will find through the Law of Attraction you will disempower yourself by creating conditions that make it difficult to fulfill your desires and dreams. If you remain positive in thoughts, words, and actions, you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Author, Reginald Armor recommended, “Keep your thought clear, your purpose high, and you will find that the clear high vision of possibility will become a loving belief of embodiment.”
Your personal power determines your destiny, and that power comes from within your heart, mind and body. In the book, The Science of Mind, the author states, “We have the right to chose what we wish to experience.” As you approach the newness of spring, take notice of what you wish to experience and create. Everything begins with the seeds of thought. Your thoughts, actions, words, and desires are very powerful. Believe it or not, you are creating the experiences and conditions in your life. Take ten minutes of your day and decide what your really want in your life. Then declare that from this moment forward your focus is on a positive outcome and harmonious life. It is time to plant your desires and to bring your dream into form, listen to your heart, focus your energy, and choose to empower yourself every day.